transform your life from the inside out.
We’re all here to serve the world by shining the Light of our Soul as brightly as possible …
… and yet we hide.
We struggle with feelings of unworthiness.
We doubt what we have to offer.
We dim our Light to fit in.
And we stop listening to the call of our Souls.
I truly believe …
All of your answers are within.
This is absolutely true! I watch client after client release the subconscious blocks that stand between them and their deep inner wisdom and all of a sudden their life explodes with clarity, possibility and joy!
You have more fire within you than you are letting on.
What do you truly desire from life? Maybe even answering that questions is difficult because you are not accustomed to paying attention to your needs and desires. Let me tell you – no one benefits from you playing small. If you want to release your unconscious limitations and follow your heart, you are in the right place.
The places where you feel the most stuck are the places holding the most possibility for your true liberation.
These are the places where your heart is calling you forward, but some other part of you is pulling you backward. Instead of numbing your heart’s desires (again!) let’s move you forward to true freedom!
You have big intentions and you want to affect positive change during your lifetime.
You have a purpose and a calling, but when you try to follow it you end up feeling overwhelmed, confused or full of self-doubt. No worries! We all need help sometimes and I’m the one that sensitive, intuitive women call when they need loving and clear guidance.
Hi, I’m Karena!
Karena Neukirchner (she/her)
trauma-informed somatic healing coach
Karena Neukirchner is a somatic healing coach who specializes in helping clients quickly identify and heal subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding them back from living lives of authenticity and joy!
Dedicated to helping her clients heal the wounds that are at the very root of their struggles, her work is deeply transformative, compassionate and profound.
education, expertise and
Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®) is a revolutionary emotional processing technique that helps you break through subconscious blocks by helping you integrate and heal the unprocessed emotions that are at the roots of your core struggles.
I’m proud to say I was certified in this technique by the creator of RIM®, Dr. Deb Sandella and the RIM® Institute in October 2020.
The Havening Techniques® is a therapeutic psycho-sensory method which can be used to treat the consequences of encoded traumatic or stressful memories. It is designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body.
Karena Neukirchner is a certified practitioner of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.
Karena was trained by Elena Kindler of Metamorphosis Havening.
HeartMath® is a body centered integrative therapeutic approach that guides us to tap into the intelligence of the heart to help us address and heal some of the most challenging aspects of our lives, including the effects of trauma on our mind and body.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle therapeutic form of bodywork focused on helping clients release trauma patterns trapped in their bodies through somatic touch. The extensive, 2-year training is focused on skills for subtle sensing with thorough study of anatomy, the autonomic nervous system, trauma, and innovative scientific research.
I received my certification from The Colorado School of Energy Studies in 2012, and deepened my education and skills as a teaching assistant from 2014-2016.
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a powerfully transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapeutic parts work based on witnessing, accepting and integrating all parts of our psyche.
This training prepared me for working with the parts or subpersonalities of our inner worlds and taught me how to access the calm, confident and creative core of every human using IFS.
A Note from Karena …
I used to live my life crippled by anxiety, riddled with self-judgment and totally overwhelmed by my emotions … but now I’m full of self-compassion, grounded and happily connected to my authentic self.
How did that happen?
I learned to effectively access and heal the old emotional wounds that were subconsciously creating chaos in my life.
I mean, actually, I struggled and struggled and struggled … I desperately wanted to be free from the pain and conflict in my inner world, but I didn’t think that I ever would be.
And then I learned to meditate … And it helped some.
And then I did a decade of therapy … And I made some progress.
And then I discovered how to listen to the wisdom of my body, regulate my nervous system, and access the roots of my emotional struggles in my subconscious mind ….
And within only 3 months, my anxiety decreased by half!
(Yeah, after 2 decades of meditating and 1 decade in therapy – that result pretty much blew my mind!)
Honestly, I feel like a new person. I feel comfortable in my skin in a way that I never thought was possible for me.
And the best part of it all is … even when I do have anxiety (or any of the normal struggles of human life) … I know exactly how to dive deep into my psyche to support and emotionally resource the most vulnerable parts of myself!
Now I'm deeply passionate about helping others find the same level of emotional healing.
So if you've ever dreamed of unearthing your true authentic self, and walking through life filled with self-compassion and peace, you're in the right place!
Sharing this story feels so good, so thank you for listening.