decrease your stress:

The Co-Regulation Community

A more regulated nervous system is within reach

Are you ready to find your center, quiet your mind, and step off the roller coaster of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm?

Join The Co-Regulation Community, where you’ll find a safe and compassionate container to regulate your nervous system, strengthen your mind-body connection, and find more peace within!


 Free mini-course:

Feel it to Heal it

Learn a body centered approach to feeling your feelings and use your deepening connection with you body and emotions as a tool for healing and authentic living!



Signature PROGRAM:

Rooted + Resilient

Only enrolling several times per year, this powerful 6-month group coaching program is specially designed to help you go DEEP, rewire your nervous system and heal your core issues at the roots.


 transformational workshop:

Breakthrough Your Blocks

(and become who you were born to be)

It’s time for you to unpack the invisible baggage that’s been holding you back. Massively increase your self-understanding + learn an effective mind-body technique to go beneath the surface and understand the core issues that are holding you back.


 somatic stress relief workshop:

Soothe Your Stress

+ Transform Your Tension

Our stress lives in our bodies and we have to work with our bodies if we want real and lasting relief. Break the cycles of stress and overwhelm with this effective body-centered framework (even if you've felt stuck in stress for years.)


free training:

The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers

Uncover the subconscious roots of your triggers and learn how to heal your core issues in an integrated and loving way in this powerful free training!