You may be wondering … what are “iffirmations”?
Iffirmations are a more powerful, authentic and effective form of affirmations. They help you shift your mindset and get unstuck by priming your subconscious mind for creative problem solving and opening you up to greater curiosity and possibilities.
But, unlike affirmations, they feel expansive and authentic (and don’t require you to engage in toxic positivity or spiritual bypassing)!
You create them by adding “what if” to any affirmation or intention statement.
For example, instead of saying, “I love and support myself in every way.”
Try saying: “What if I love and support myself in every way?” Or: “What would it be like to love and support myself in every way?”
And if that still doesn’t feel authentic to you, you can soften it even more, like, “What if I begin to love and support myself in every way?” “What would it be like if I began to love and support myself in every way?”
The point is to make it feel good to your BODY.
Affirmations and positive thinking practices often feel fake or even cause us to feel resistance in our bodies.
But, iffirmations are a gentle and fun way to create a bridge from where we are to where we want to be.
They can open us to greater possibilities in our lives, and can help us find intrinsic motivation, solutions to our problems, answers to our questions and compassion for our doubts and struggles.
They’re a gentle way to move us forward without trying to rely on affirmations that so often feel like sugary sweet lies.
I post iffirmations on Instagram and YouTube regularly, so be sure to join me on those platforms to join in on the fun!
I hope you enjoy this library of Iffirmations!
Iffirmations for Inner Strength
Monday, Nov 18, 2024
What if I have more strength, courage, and fortitude within me than I realize?
What if I’m more than just my fears and anxieties?
What would it be like to embrace my bravest self?
What would it be like to reclaim my power and strength from anywhere I left it in the past?
What if it’s safe for me to embody my full strength now even if I had to stay small in the past?
What if it’s safe for me to take up space and share my voice with the world?
What if my true inner strength doesn't have to look like anyone else's?
Who could I become if I allowed my inner strength to flow through me and fill me?
What if as I courageously face my challenges, I become more and more me?
Note: Wonder what I’m doing with my hands? It’s called Havening® and it helps create more healing and transformation in our nervous systems!
Iffirmations for Uncertainty
Monday, August 26, 2024
What if I don’t have to have it all figured out?
What if it’s okay to not have all of the answers all of the time?
What if it’s normal to be in a season of questioning and searching?
What would it be like to soften my heart to myself, even though I feel uncertain right now?
What would it be like to embrace this moment in life even if it feels unsteady?
What if I can navigate this uncertain moment with deep self-compassion and kindness?
What would it be like to approach the unknown with more curiosity?
What if I can find more peace in this space where my answers have yet to arrive?
What if there’s something beautifully brave about this part of my journey, even if it feels unclear right now?
What if I’m growing, healing, and becoming more truly me in ways I can’t yet see?
What if I’m not lost, I’m simply expanding?
More and more, I choose to be gentle with myself.
More and more, I choose me.
Related: How To Deal With Uncertainty (Guided Meditation To Find More Calm)
Encouragement for your healing journey
Monday, August 12, 2024
What if with every breath I take, I’m healing?
What if healing is more possible than I think it is and it’s happening more than I realize?
What would it be like to acknowledge all of my progress, even when it doesn’t seem like progress to the world around me?
What if it’s okay to rest, take a break and even backslide occasionally?
What if I am whole, complete and worthy, just as I am?
What if my future self is grateful for the actions I’m taking right now?
What if my past self is, too?
What would it be like to send love to all past versions of myself, because I am and always have been loveable?
What would it be like to receive love from my future self?
Today, I acknowledge that I’m healing.
Today, I’m grateful for me.
Iffirmations to prioritize yourself
Monday, July 29, 2024
What if I listen to my body and heart today?
What would it be like to honor the honest reactions I encounter there?
What if it’s safe for me to choose my own needs over placating and appeasing others?
What if I don't have to apologize for my truth or for my existence?
What if I can honor my authentic feelings, needs, and desires?
What if I can release the old stories and limiting beliefs that have me tangled up in self-betrayal and confused about who I truly am?
More and more, I honor my truth.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations for when you’re feeling lost
Monday, July 22, 2024
What if I’m exactly where I need to be right now?
What if it’s okay to not have all of the answers all of the time?
What would it be like to take this one step at a time?
What if I can let go of the need to control the future, knowing that’s impossible anyway?
What if taking loving care of myself in this moment is the best way to shape the future?
What would it be like to soften my heart to myself in this moment?
What if I’m learning as I go?
What if my answers will come to me in the right timing?
What would it be like to embrace my journey, with all of it’s twists and turns?
What if I can trust that I’ll find my way, even when the path isn’t clear?
What if I’m doing my best, and that’s enough?
More and more, I choose to be gentle with myself.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations to forgive your past mistakes
Monday, July 8, 2024
What if I can forgive myself for my mistakes?
What if my mistakes don't mean I'm broken or bad, they simply mean I'm human?
What if everyone makes mistakes sometimes?
What would it be like to look at myself through a more loving lens?
What if I was doing my best at the time with the information I had?
What if I deserve kindness even when I've made mistakes?
What if my past mistakes don't define who I am as a person?
What if making mistakes sometimes is totally normal?
What if making mistakes sometimes is totally understandable?
What if making mistakes sometimes is totally universal?
What if making mistakes sometimes is totally unavoidable?
What if I don't have to beat myself up over unavoidable, understandable, normal, and universal things?
Who could I become if I forgave my past mistakes?
Who could you become if you believed in yourself?
Monday, July 1, 2024
Who could you become if you believed in your potential?
What if your voice and your contributions matter more than you realize?
What if you’re brave, capable, and worthy of the dreams you hold dear?
What if you have everything within you that you need to face your challenges and thrive?
What would it be like to trust in your abilities and know that you’re enough just as you are?
What if it’s no coincidence that you’ve made it this far?
What if you’re ready?
Iffirmations for more self-worth
Monday, June 24, 2024
I wonder what it would be like to experience more self-worth.
I wonder what it would feel like to be connected to the part of me that knows my inherent value.
I wonder who I would become if I could have more and more consistent connection to my own unique and immeasurable worth
What if my worth isn’t tied to my performance or my actions?
What if I am worthy inside and out ... whether others see it or not?
What if I’m an integral part of this world?
What if just being me is enough?
What if my super power is just being me
What if it’s safe for me to connect with my inherent value?
What if it’s safe for me to shine?
More and more, I choose to connect with the part of me that knows my inherent worth.
More and more, I choose me.
Ask yourself these questions to become your favorite self
Monday, June 17, 2024
What would it be like to show up as my favorite self today?
What would it feel like to pursue what genuinely makes me feel fulfilled and alive?
What if I can listen deeply to my own heart and inner wisdom?
What if I can honor my authentic impulses, desires, and inner knowings?
What would it be like to be supported by and connected to my inner wisdom?
What if it’s safe for me to release the need for perfection and embrace my authenticity instead?
What if I could give myself permission to be who I truly want to be?
What if I could get to know my true essence more and more?
What if I could be the version of myself that I like best in this moment?
What if I deserve to show up as my most natural and authentic self?
What would it feel like to let go of any and all pressure to live up to other people’s ideals?
What if I can stop pretending to be anything I’m not?
What would it be like to love and accept my complex and multifaceted self exactly as I am right now?
What would it be like to embrace my uniqueness and celebrate my individuality?
What if attuning to my favorite self can lead me to a more loving and aligned life?
What would it be like to journey toward my favorite life as I define it?
What if I can awaken to my favorite self more and more each day?
More and more, I trust the pull of my favorite self to draw me forward.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations for acceptance and regulation
Monday, June 3, 2024
What would it be like to just accept my feelings right now?
What would it be like to acknowledge what I’m really feeling right now and love myself anyway?
What if there’s nothing wrong with me for feeling this way?
What if my feelings actually makes sense in a way?
What if I allow myself to feel this way right now knowing that I won’t always feel this way?
What if it’s safe for me to feel my emotions?
What would it be like to no longer have to hide my emotions from myself and from others?
What would it be like to no longer have to pretend I’m not feeling what I’m feeling?
What if accepting my feelings is a good first step towards deeper healing?
What if accepting my feelings is a good first step towards greater peace?
What if accepting my emotions is part of loving myself as I am?
Related: Accept Your Emotions (A Guided Meditation with Havening Techniques)
Iffirmations for when your heart feels heavy
Monday, May 27, 2024
What would it mean to be here for myself right now?
What would it be like to embrace my heavy heart with tenderness and compassion?
What if I could be profoundly gentle with myself, allowing space for rest and care?
What if I could hold myself with kindness in this moment?
What if in this moment I am enough and I’m deserving of kindness?
What if I could attune more deeply to what I really want and need in order to feel supported right now?
What would it be like to acknowledge what I’m really feeling right now and love myself anyway?
What would it be like to soften my heart to myself and this moment exactly as it is?
What if I can compassionately love and support myself exactly as I am?
Now simply ask your heart what it really wants or needs in this moment.
Related: A Soothing Somatic Meditation for When The World Feels Out of Control
Iffirmations for expansion and taking up space
Monday, May 20, 2024
What if I can take up more space?
What if I’m allowed to take up space, no matter what anyone else thinks?
What would it feel like to lovingly become a more expansive version of me?
What if it’s safe for me to expand now?
What would it be like to prioritize my big dreams and desires?
Who would I become if I began to honor my needs, feelings and desires as totally valid?
What if I could use my voice and act on my vision freely and without fear?
What if I can let the wisdom within me flow through me and guide me?
What if the true essence of me is bigger than I know?
What if I started to align with that expansive essence within more and more every day?
More and more, I comfortably take up space.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations to replace self-judgment with compassionate self-acceptance
Monday, May 13, 2024
What if it’s okay to feel this way right now?
What if everyone struggles like this sometimes?
What if I’m not broken?
I wonder what it would be like if I could judge myself less.
What if I could look at myself through a more loving lens?
What if I can make space for whatever I’m experiencing right now knowing it won’t last forever?
More and more I choose to accept and honor myself.
Iffirmations for having your own back
Monday, May 6, 2024
What if I can love myself through my mistakes?
What if, no matter what happens, I’m on my own side?
What if I deserve to be listened to and understood?
What if I am worthy of compassion and support, just as I am?
What would it be like to encourage and motivate myself with love?
What if having my own back is my best path forward?
Having my own back is my best path forward because …
Related: Somatic Meditation to Have Your Own Back (More and More)
Iffirmations to get unstuck
Monday, April 29, 2024
What if it’s okay that I’m feeling stuck right now?
What if it’s totally normal to sometimes feel stuck, frozen, or confused?
What would it be like to soften my heart to myself and this moment in life as it is?
What would it feel like to embrace all parts of myself, even the parts that feel stuck?
What could happen if I was more gentle with myself? What if I’m more resilient, adaptable, and capable than I realize?
What would it be like to find an aligned step forward?
What if it’s safe for me to take one small step?
What if one step at a time is enough?
More and more, I’m open to the possibility of moving forward without forcing or fighting myself.
More and more, I’m open to taking this one small step at a time.
Reframe your past mistakes
Monday, April 22, 2024
What if the mistakes you’re beating yourself up over weren’t really mistakes at all?
What if it’s not a mistake to try awkwardly and fail?
What if it’s not a mistake to open your heart and put one foot in front of the other?
What if it’s okay to not have all the answers?
What if it’s human to misunderstand and miscalculate sometimes?
What if it’s brave to put yourself out there in a world that may or may not receive you kindly?
Who could you become if you embraced your imperfections as well as your strengths?
What if all the things you thought were mistakes were just very human experiences?
What if they’re all just proof that you’re alive in a wild and unpredictable world?
And what if you’re whole, complete, and worthy despite it all?
Iffirmations are entry-level happy thoughts!
Monday, April 15, 2024
Here’s the thing, pretending to be positive is often a negative experience deep down. Especially for those of us who have past trauma or a low sense of self-worth, positive thinking, happy thoughts, and affirmations can create tension or resistance inside our bodies and psyches, which truly means they’re doing us no good at all.
In fact, they may lead us to be less self-accepting and less authentic because they can put pressure on us to think we “should” be happy and positive all the time.
But, iffirmations can be used as a sort of bridge between positive thoughts that don’t yet feel true and opening to more possibilities. They open our subconscious mind to creative problem-solving.
Plus, they often decrease our internal resistance which allows us to be more accepting of how we really feel which can lead to a more realistic and authentic path to true healing that affirmations and fake happy thoughts can’t take us on.
What if you’re already worthy?
Monday, April 8, 2024
What if you’re already worthy?
What if you don’t have anything to prove?
What if your dreams matter?
What if you’re deserving of all the good this world has to offer?
What would it be like to keep your heart open and trust more?
What if your heart knows the way?
Who would you become if you honored your heart and believed in your true value?
What if you’re heading in the right direction?
What if some of your best days are on their way to you right now?
More and more, I choose to know that I’m already worthy.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations for Tapping into Your Inner Strength and Beauty!
Monday, April 1, 2024
What if I can step into more confidence, authenticity, and empowerment?
What would it be like to tap into my inner strength and clarity to support my dreams?
Who would I become if I began to recognize my inherent worth and embrace my authenticity?
What would it be like to prioritize my big dreams and desires?
What if I’m allowed to honor my needs and advocate for myself?
What would it be like to own my strengths?
What if I’m worthy of expanding and taking up space?
What would it be like to fully acknowledge my worth?
What would it be like to give myself permission to be unapologetically me?
Iffirmations for having your own back
Monday, March 25, 2024
What if I can love myself through my mistakes and embrace my imperfections?
What would it be like to have compassion for where I am in life right now?
What if I can soften my heart towards the places within me that feel scared, vulnerable, confused, or unloveable?
What if I can stop apologizing for being me?
What if I can look at myself through a more loving lens?
What would it feel like to believe in myself more and more?
What if I can increase my self-care when things are rough?
What if instead of judging myself, I can learn to give myself the benefit of the doubt?
What if instead of abandoning myself, I can learn to turn towards my own tender heart?
What would it be like to have my own back?
More and more, I choose to love myself fiercely.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations for when you’re feeling off
Monday, March 18, 2024
What if it’s okay that I’m feeling off right now?
What if it’s okay to not have all of the answers all of the time?
What would it be like to soften my heart to myself and this feeling in this moment?
What would it feel like to welcome all parts of myself, even the parts that feel off?
What if I chose to be gentle with myself, recognizing that these feelings are normal and temporary?
What if I’m capable of navigating these ebbs and flows of life?
What if I’m more resilient and wise than I realize?
What if I can embrace this moment in life, even if it feels difficult?
What if I can embrace these feelings as an invitation to go deeper?
What would it be like to listen to these feelings and honor the message within them?
What if these feelings actually make sense in a way?
And then finishing this sentence for yourself, What if these feelings make sense in a way because…
For more support try my full Havening exercise for relief and clarity when you’re feeling off.
Iffirmations for self-kindness
Monday, March 11, 2024
What if I can soften my heart towards myself today?
What if I’m worthy of love and kindness … especially from myself?
What would it be like to consistently treat myself with more warmth and more kindness?
What if it’s safe for me to become kinder and kinder to myself?
What if I could feel more appreciation for the beauty within me?
What if I could feel more acceptance for the struggle within me?
What if I can look beneath my stories of self judgment and connect more with my true self?
What if I could be gentle with myself even when things are difficult?
What if I can honor my imperfections and allow myself to grow from my mistakes?
Who could I become if I had more and more consistent access to self-compassion and kindness?
More and more I choose to be kind to myself.
More and more I choose me.
Related: Be Kinder to Yourself! (Somatic Exercise for Self-Kindness)
Iffirmations for days when you’re feeling not good enough
Monday, March 4, 2024
What if I can soften my heart towards myself today?
What would it be like to look at myself in a gentler way?
What if my thoughts and insecurities are lying to me?
What if I’m not bad, broken or wrong?
What if it’s safe for me to connect with my inherent value?
What if my worth isn’t tied to my performance or actions?
What if I am worthy inside and out even when I can’t see or believe it?
What if I can start to accept myself where I am and as I am?
What would it be like if I learned to honor myself, imperfections and all?
More and more, I choose to connect with the part of me that knows my inherent worth.
More and more, I choose me.
Iffirmations for a Heart-Centered Week
Monday, Feb 26, 2024
What if I can listen to my heart this week?
What would it be like to drop below my anxious mind and find a deeper truth within myself?
What if my heart is connected to an authentic knowing within me?
What if i can reawaken to my authentic self more and more each day?
What if I can lead my life from a place of compassion and alignment?
What if listening to my heart can lead me to a more loving and aligned life?
What if I can trust my heart and inner wisdom to guide me?
What if there’s more compassion, clarity and creativity within me than I realize?
What would it be like to be drawn towards my best life more and more?
More and more, I trust the pull of my heart to draw me forward.
More and more, I choose me.